Meet the Presenter

Meet the Presenter

Claudia Delbaere

Topic: Boosting the Shelf Life of your Complex Chocolate Creations

Date: Saturday, May 4th
Time: 10 am – 12 Noon Atlanta time (GMT -4)
Location: Virtual

Read about what will be covered and register:

Claudia Delbaere's journey is a fascinating blend of academia and industry expertise. Graduating with a Master's in Bioscience Engineering in 2008, she delved into scientific research at Ghent University, Belgium. Her work on "Migration-induced fat bloom in pralines" within the scope of European and Flemish projects, in collaboration with the chocolate industry, marked the beginning of her deep engagement with the world of chocolate.

Over the course of five years, Claudia immersed herself in the intricacies of chocolate research at Ghent University. In 2013, she transitioned to Cacaolab, a spin-off company of Ghent University, where she now holds the role of General Manager. Cacaolab stands as a pioneering entity in the field, serving as an experimental cocoa- and chocolate research and training facility unlike any other.

At Cacaolab, Claudia spearheads efforts to investigate and innovate chocolate products and processes, leveraging a blend of fundamental scientific insights and industrial acumen. Beyond research and development, Cacaolab extends its expertise through training services offered to a diverse array of companies, further cementing its position as a hub of knowledge and innovation in the chocolate industry. Claudia's leadership and expertise drive Cacaolab's mission forward, shaping the future of chocolate innovation.

Read about what will be covered and register:

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Boosting the Shelf Life of your Complex Chocolate Creations
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