Art and Sensory Experience of Chocolate Tasting

Art and Sensory Experience of Chocolate Tasting

Discover the Art and Sensory Experience of Chocolate Tasting with Sanna Forslund.

Join us for an immersive Empowering Chocopreneurs© webinar where Sanna Forslund, founder of CacaoSana, takes us on a journey of chocolate, mindfulness, and art.

Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025
Time: 10:00 am - 12 noon Atlanta Time
Location: Virtual

What You'll Learn:

  • How our state of mind influences chocolate tasting
  • The power of guided meditation, sensory awareness, and breathwork
  • Techniques to enhance chocolate experiences and reduce daily stress
  • Stories behind Sanna’s "Where Cacao Grows" art exhibition, inspired by Hawaii & Mexico  

🍫 Interactive Session: Bring two pieces of chocolate to participate in live sensory exercises!

Sanna is a professional breathwork guide who blends art, mindfulness, and chocolate to create transformative experiences.


Reminder: Daylight savings time is now in effect in Atlanta, GA (EDT). Please check your local time to join at the correct time!

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