Meet Dr. Rudy Scarfalloto

Meet Dr. Rudy Scarfalloto

Meet Dr. Rudy Scarfalloto

Dr Rudy
With over 36 years of experience as a health professional and teacher, including 29 years as a chiropractor, Dr. Rudy Scarfalloto leads his patients towards achieving optimum health by integrating nutrition and chiropractic. In all his work, he is guided by Hippocrates’ principle, “Let food be your medicine, and medicine your food.” Dr. Rudy has a holistic approach that honors the mind, body and spirit.

A life-long fascination with the workings of the mind and body has led Dr. Rudy to write and publish several books including The Dance of Opposites, Cultivating Inner Harmony, Nutrition for Massage Therapists, What Should I Eat Book 1- Finding Your Ideal Diet, What Should I Eat Book 2 – Food as Medicine and The Edge of Time.

In addition to running a thriving chiropractic practice he does nutrition counseling and teaches health related classes to professionals as well as the general public.

Dr. Rudy will be presenting our next Empowering Chocopreneurs webinar The Secrets of Health and Longevity.

Topic: The Secrets of Health and Longevity
Presented by: Dr. Rudy Scarfalloto
Date: Saturday, September 17th
Time: 10 am – 12 Noon Atlanta time (GMT -4)
Location: Virtual

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