Storytelling to Revive Trinidad & Tobago’s Cocoa Sector
Storytelling to Revive Trinidad & Tobago’s Cocoa Sector
Storytelling has become an increasingly important tool to foster regenerative value for consumers and producers. In an academic research, Denise Speck analysed digital storytelling within the context of sustainable entrepreneurship. Digital storytelling was found both as a tool to promote businesses as well as generate value for communities at origin. These findings brought her to Trinidad & Tobago where she realised a participatory field research to learn more about storytelling in practice and the story behind Trinitario Cocoa amongst a cluster of cocoa farmers and processors.
In this webinar, she wants to share her insights and her upcoming short film project. 'Trinitario - on the edge’ a short documentary co-directed by Denise Speck & Oliver Milne aims at spreading awareness about the excellence of Trinitario Cocoa, and educate the audience about the challenges and opportunities that cocoa farmers face in Trinidad & Tobago. Currently, she works on the production of the documentary and wants to share the many opportunities for change-maker mindsets and chocolate enthusiasts on how to become a part of a movement - to revive Trinitario Cocoa and promote sustainable farming practices that are in harmony with nature.
In this webinar, she wants to share her insights and her upcoming short film project. 'Trinitario - on the edge’ a short documentary co-directed by Denise Speck & Oliver Milne aims at spreading awareness about the excellence of Trinitario Cocoa, and educate the audience about the challenges and opportunities that cocoa farmers face in Trinidad & Tobago. Currently, she works on the production of the documentary and wants to share the many opportunities for change-maker mindsets and chocolate enthusiasts on how to become a part of a movement - to revive Trinitario Cocoa and promote sustainable farming practices that are in harmony with nature.
Topic: Storytelling to Revive Trinidad & Tobago’s Cocoa Sector
Presented By: Denise Speck
Date: Saturday, December 17th 2022
Time: 10 am – 12 Noon Atlanta time (GMT -5)
Location: Virtual
Presented By: Denise Speck
Date: Saturday, December 17th 2022
Time: 10 am – 12 Noon Atlanta time (GMT -5)
Location: Virtual
To Register: https://forms.gle/qrLS6tugwza1eNTs6
To learn more about the film visit
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