Essentials for a Powerful Website and Successful Ecommerce Platform

Essentials for a Powerful Website and Successful Ecommerce Platform

Essentials for a Powerful Website and Successful Ecommerce Platform presented by Ms. Sundari Ganesan, CEO, Nextgen Consulting Inc. Atlanta

Are you interested in building a new website or setting up an E-commerce store for online sales?  Do you want to migrate your existing website/E-commerce platform to new digital technology? Learn the secrets of setting up an online ecommerce store front and boost your online sales.

Do not miss this informative webinar that introduces participants to the key features required for a successful website design and increasing your online presence. We will be covering topics on UX Design (User Experience), the most important E-Commerce features for the success of your website, tools & E-commerce platforms available in the market and how to choose the right one to achieve your online sales goals, migrating your existing website to an eye-catching responsive web interface, branding, digital marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Date: Saturday March 12th
Time: 10:00 am - 12 noon Atlanta time
Topic: Essentials for a Powerful Website and Successful Ecommerce Platform
Presenter: Ms. Sundari Ganesan, CEO, Nextgen Consulting Inc. Atlanta

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