CocoaTown Equipment Basics Series
As a part of our Empowering Chocopreneurs© webinar series 2021 we are going to focus on Equipment Basics that will help you get the most benefit out of your CocoaTown equipment. We are starting off the series with our melangers.
We are excited that Chef and Chocolatier Mayari Castellanos of Kakaw Museo and Chololateria Cultural Mexico will be presenting the first webinar for this year - How To Use Melanger.
Did you know that our customers are still using ECGC-12 melangers after 14 years? Do you want to use your melangers for decades for high ROI? Do you wish you had some basic guidelines and troubleshooting knowledge? If you want to know the secrets for extending the life of the melangers and to have less frustration while operating it, you should register for this webinar.
During our Melanger Basics webinar you will learn the main uses of the melanger, how to prepare your melanger for use, when and how to load the ingredients, grinding time and temperature, fluidity vs. viscosity and more.
During our Melanger Basics webinar you will learn the main uses of the melanger, how to prepare your melanger for use, when and how to load the ingredients, grinding time and temperature, fluidity vs. viscosity and more.
There will also be time to get your questions answered by Mayari and CocoaTown.
Please feel free to comment your specific questions about CocoaTown melangers and we will be sure to cover them during the webinar or through our FAQ after the event.
Please feel free to comment your specific questions about CocoaTown melangers and we will be sure to cover them during the webinar or through our FAQ after the event.
Join Mayari and CocoaTown as we explore this important piece of the bean to bar process on Saturday January 16, from 12 noon - 2 pm Atlanta time.
Register to get webinar recording - https://forms.gle/hFATB5smGxSZnozb7
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Empowering Chocopreneurs© - La Rifa

Meet the Presenter Mayari Castellanos