Care & Maintenance of CocoaTown Melangers
Are you looking to invest in your first melanger and want to know how easy it is to use and maintain? Do you have a CocoaTown melanger and want to know how to care and maintain your melanger to extend its lifetime? As a part of our Empowering Chocopreneurship© educational program and Equipment Basics Webinar series, we will have a webinar this Saturday January 23 at 10 am - 12 Noon Atlanta time
Webinar Topic -"Care & Maintenance of CocoaTown Melangers"
Presented by by Ms. Andal Balu and Dr. Balu Balasubramanian, Co-Founders of CocoaTown
What you will learn:
- The difference between the four CocoaTown melangers
- What are normal wear and tear parts
- How to maintain, repair, replace parts
Please feel free to ask your specific questions about CocoaTown melangers in the comments section and we will be sure to cover them during the webinar or through our FAQ after the event.
Register to get webinar recording - https://forms.gle/hFATB5smGxSZnozb7
Also. please share this information with anyone you think will benefit from our Empowering Chocopreneurs webinars.